If you have a question about Unforgotten, or Freya, please check to see if it's already answered here.

Q: Do you own Freya?
A: No.

Q: Will you be my affiliate/sister?
A: If you own a Final Fantasy-related site: of course! Contact us.

Q: Can I use ______?"
A: The layout and content are not for your personal usage. That was made by us. However, you are permitted to use anything in the media section as long as it is not for a gallery of your own as long as you credit us.

Q: Why are you two the Snail Sisters?
A: Because we are slow. Interpret it as you wish.

Q: Why haven't you replied to my e-mail yet?
A: Either we haven't got to it yet, or your question is answered her in the FAQ. Please give us time. We will try to reply as soon as possible. Sarah's Note: Nell's the faster replier.

Q: You suck.
A: Dimwit. Think of a better question.

If your question has not been answered yet, feel free to ask us.