Sir Fratley. Her one true love. He was a strong Dragon Knight but seeked a higher level of strength. He learnt of more powerful knights outside of Alexandria. One was General Beatrix of Alexandria. With this in mind, he leaves Burmecia believing that he can't protect Burmecia from invaders which are growing stronger every day. He wants to be more powerful in every way, and informs Freya that he must leave. Of course saddened by this, she makes him promise that he will come back when he's stronger to his land, Burmecia.

Freya: Beatrix...
Fratley: Yes, Beatrix. I hear there are many fierce warriors out in the world-some more powerful than even I... Beatrix of Alexandria, in particular. They say her sword best in all the land.
Freya: Sir Fratley, do you still insist on going on your own journey?
Fratley: Yes... please understand, Freija. Right now Burmecia is at peace, while other nations are slowly but surely gaining power. I don't know if my spear alone is enough to protect Burmecia... which is precisely why out in world.
Freya: Sir Fratley? I don't think I can live on my own... not without you.
Fratley: You're going to be fine... trust your strength... and have faith in your destiny. Once I complete my journey around the world, I will return to Burmecia.
Freya: Promise me, one more time, that you will return.
Fratley: I promise...

Two years passed and he never returned. Freya decided to leave Burmecia and eventually was banished from the land because she never fulfilled her duties as a Dragon Knight.

Freya eventually is reunited with Sir Fratley again in Cleyra (the City of Illusion), but there's something wrong. His memory is lost and he cannot remember the past, including everything that happened between the two!

Freya: ... Sir Fratley, I... I have missed you so much... I began my search for you immediately after you left Burmecia. Where have you been all these years...? To what corners of the world have you traveled? My dear Fratley... I climbed the highest mountains only to hear rumors of your victories...I searched the deepest valleys only to find your footsteps. But I never fund you. And in the end, I heard something...Something unbearable!
Fratley: Freya, you say? I believe this is the first time we have met...
Freya: What... did you just say? ...
Fratley: I'm sorry, but I cannot remember you for the life of me...
Freya: Y-you jest! You cannot have forgotten me! It's me, Freya! Freya of Burmecia!
Fratley: I am sorry..
Freya: No...

Prince Puck tries his best to help him regain his memories, and it seems that Sir Fratley does recall a bit. Even though their love 'returns', Sir Fratley still cannot remember the events that had happened before. Freya tries to be optimistic and focuses on their love that will blossom in the future.